Video – Why you should visit a travel vaccine clinic in Montreal?

If you are traveling abroad, it is highly recommended to visit a travel clinic. By visiting a travel vaccine clinic in Montreal, you will get the right health advice about your travel.

At our travel clinic in Montreal, we give you recommendations to protect your health. Here are some details a travel clinic in Montreal can provide you:

  • INFORMATION SPECIFIC TO A COUNTRY & RECOMMENDED VACCINES: Travel clinic also provides you with other information such as where to visit for medical care when you are in a new country.
  • WATER AND FOOD PRECAUTIONS: A travel clinic will familiarize you with the different foods and beverages that you need to avoid during your stay in a foreign country.
  • INSECT PRECAUTIONS: The clinic will also explain procedures you will have to follow for protecting yourself from many diseases (insect-borne) that are prevalent in some countries.
  • TIPS FOR TRAVELING WITH HEALTH CONDITIONS: If you have a specific health condition such as a lung or heart condition, pregnancy, or diabetes then a travel clinic in Montreal can give you specific precautions you will have to follow during your overseas travel.
  • TIPS FOR TRAVELING WITH KIDS: You need to be extra cautious when traveling with kids and a travel clinic can help you understand the activities that your children need to avoid in an overseas country (such as visiting farms or swimming in lakes or ponds).

Contact us our travel vaccination clinic for more details.