Vaccination Services

What Are Our Vaccination Services in Montreal?

Travel Clinic Montreal is your one-stop-shop for all your regular vaccination and travel vaccination needs in Canada. We know how painful, expensive and inconvenient it can be for you or your loved ones to miss an important routine vaccination, or to travel without getting the necessary shots to keep them healthy in their destinations of choice. Consequently, we have a full range of vaccination services to help you stay safe and up-to-date. Read below to learn about the various vaccination services you can benefit from, in our Montreal clinic.

Travel clinic vaccinations

Falling sick due to preventable communicable diseases is the last thing you would wish to experience during your travels. It is always unfortunate to become ill in foreign territory where the state of their medical care is unknown to you, and when you are miles and miles away from home, where you could have availed the support needed. Our travel clinic‘s vaccination services are designed to help you understand the type of vaccinations you require before traveling to certain destinations.

Remember, there are mandatory travel vaccinations you must get, irrespective of the destination, and there are also location-specific jabs necessary before you are allowed entry into certain countries. At Vaccination Montreal, we advise you to take care of both, and administer the necessary vaccines in time so that you are able to keep up with the vaccination schedules and complete them before your trip. Whether you are headed to Asia, Africa, South America or Saudi Arabia, we know what you need to take prior to your trip.

Baby immunizations and baby vaccines

Babies are prone to many ailments, but thankfully, there is a vaccine to stop most of the ailments affecting babies. As such, babies have a very robust vaccination schedule that every parent ought to adhere to if they want to grant their young ones the gift of good health. At Travel Clinic Montreal, we administer a variety of vaccine services for babies, including routine shots, as well as the necessary jabs needed to keep them safe when you travel abroad.

In addition to getting routine shots, it is imperative to bring your baby for a consultation before you travel abroad. This is because just like adults, babies will be exposed to a wide variety of health risks, and may contract certain diseases that could have been prevented with timely vaccinations. The vaccines administered to your infants and babies when you travel will depend on the destinations, since risks vary from one destination to another. Again, it is not automatic that all the travel vaccines administered to adults will be the same as those that will be administered to kids. The risk factors will always vary from one destination to another.

Child immunization and child vaccine services

Travel Clinic Montreal also specializes in offering a variety of child immunization and child vaccines for school-age children. These services are mainly for children and adolescents within school setups, and they should never be missed for any reason. They include routine vaccines and immunization such as varicella vaccine, HPPV, Hepatitis B, and DPTP. They also include vaccines that may be recommended in case of an outbreak such as flu outbreaks that normally call for the flu shot in Montreal. Such is very common in Canada, and you should always be on the lookout to ensure your adolescent kids get vaccinated whenever there is a call out.

Travel Clinic Montreal also administers travel vaccines to children traveling out of the country. Through consultation with our health experts, we will advise you regarding the necessary vaccines and immunizations for the respective destinations that your children will be headed to. This is vital in order to keep your children safe throughout their travels.

Company travel vaccination for employees

If you intend to send your employees abroad for work purposes, then you have every reason to be mindful of their health. At Travel Clinic Montreal, we offer consultation and vaccination services to corporate employees traveling out of the country for work purposes. We will advise you concerning all the necessary vaccinations based on the destination and itinerary. Additionally, we will also administer all the mandatory and recommended jabs on-site, and before the day of travel, so that your employees shall have built the immunity they need before heading out. Remember, your employees may be denied entry into certain countries if they don’t have proof of certain vaccinations, and, based on the nature of what they are going to do, they may be predisposed to certain ailments that can be prevented through vaccinations.

Travel vaccinations for adults in Montreal

Unfortunately, some people think vaccination is only for children, but they usually come to realization that this is not the case, when attempting to travel, that they will need proof of certain vaccines before they are allowed to enter certain countries. You can avoid such disappointments by booking an appointment with us before you travel. At our travel vaccine clinic in Montreal, you will get all the vaccination information you need, based on where you are heading. In addition to giving you the advice, we will also administer all the required and recommended shots pertaining to your destination. Again, our doctors and nurses will tell you what you need to do so that you stay out of harm’s way when traveling, as far as your health is concerned. Finally, we will check your immunization record and ensure that you are up to speed with all the vaccinations you should have received at that particular point in your life.

Vaccines for healthcare workers and interns

Healthcare workers and interns face a huge risk of exposure to a variety of communicable diseases. If you belong to this category, then there are certain vaccines you ought to take due to your constant involvement in the hospital environment, and your interaction with patients. At Travel Clinic Montreal, we offer essential vaccinations to healthcare workers and interns to keep them safe from exposure to diseases that can cause them a variety of illnesses. Talk to us today, and learn about the shots you need to get if you work within a healthcare or hospital environment.