Travel Health Product Package
Provision of basic first aid:
- Bandage of restraint
- Moleskin blister pads or dressings
- Alcohol-based disinfectant for hands
- Safety pins and scissors
- Disposable latex or vinyl gloves
- Gauze
- Antiseptic wipes
- Adhesive dressings
- Tweezers
- Tape
- Bags of oral rehydration salts
- Thermometer
Others products:
- Sun screen
- Earplugs
- Tablets or filters for purifying water
- Gel with aloe
- Ophthalmic drops
- Additional pair of corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses) or prescription
Contact Map:
- Name, address and telephone number of a family member or friend in Canada
- Name and phone number of your health care provider in Canada
- Address and telephone number of where you will live abroad
- Address and telephone number of hospitals or clinics in your destination
- Address and telephone number of the Embassy of Canada, the Consulate or the High Commission of the host countries (and the emergency contact card)
- Phone number of your travel health insurance provider to contact in case of emergency.
- Proof of your insurance coverage
- A copy of your immunization record
- International certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis, where applicable